BNHR.XYZ QGIS Workbooks (2023)

Much like our training courses, our workbooks are carefully designed to build upon each other, providing learners with a strong foundation and a clear pathway for continued growth. Each workbook focuses on a particular topic or theme and is divided into multiple modules that provide a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

The 2023 version includes a total of 11 workbooks—one for each course—covering a diverse range of topics from introductory lessons to advanced visualization and processing.

The workbooks are currently only available in digital format to participants of our training courses. However, releasing digital and printed copies for sale are also in consideration.

Please let us know if you are interested in buying a copy of the workbooks by filling up the form below. With enough demand, we’ll make it happen!

QGIS Workbooks (2023) Interest Check

If the form for below isn’t showing, you can try this link.

Interested in a custom course for your organization?

I offer custom training courses for organizations and clients. It is similar to the publicly-available courses but with the following advantages:

  1. The training agenda and training materials are tailored to directly address the needs and capacities of the organization/client based on a pre-training survey and meeting.
  2. Training exercises can use your own datasets.
  3. It can be held on-site/face-to-face subject to your availability (transportation to and from your area/location will be covered by your organization or added to the training fee)
Contact me for a quote

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Except when explicitly stated otherwise, this work and its contents by Ben Hur S. Pintor is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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