Open Hazards PH QGIS Browser is a Python script that you can run in QGIS that lets you add geospatial hazard data created by various agencies in the Philippines as connections in the QGIS Browser. It currently adds WMTS from
It is inspired by Klas Karlsson’s (@klakar) script.
This script should be run from the Python Console inside QGIS (CTRL + ALT + P).
It adds online sources to the QGIS Browser.
Each source should contain a list with the following items (string type):
[sourcetype, title, authconfig, password, referer, url, username]
You can add or remove sources from the sources section of the code.
Script by Ben Hur Pintor
License: GPLv3
# Add sources
sources = []
sources.append(["connections-wms","NOAH Storm Surge SSA1", "", "", "", "", ""])
sources.append(["connections-wms","NOAH Storm Surge SSA2", "", "", "", "", ""])
sources.append(["connections-wms","NOAH Storm Surge SSA3", "", "", "", "", ""])
sources.append(["connections-wms","NOAH Storm Surge SSA4", "", "", "", "", ""])
sources.append(["connections-wms","LiPAD 5-year Flood Hazard", "", "", "", "", ""])
sources.append(["connections-wms","LiPAD 25-year Flood Hazard", "", "", "", "", ""])
sources.append(["connections-wms","LiPAD 100-year Flood Hazard", "", "", "", "", ""])
sources.append(["connections-wms","LiPAD Landslide Hazard", "", "", "", "", ""])
# Add sources to QGIS Browser
for source in sources:
connectionType = source[0]
connectionName = source[1]
QSettings().setValue("qgis/%s/%s/authcfg" % (connectionType, connectionName), source[2])
QSettings().setValue("qgis/%s/%s/password" % (connectionType, connectionName), source[3])
QSettings().setValue("qgis/%s/%s/referer" % (connectionType, connectionName), source[4])
QSettings().setValue("qgis/%s/%s/url" % (connectionType, connectionName), source[5])
QSettings().setValue("qgis/%s/%s/username" % (connectionType, connectionName), source[6])
# Update GUI
Open Hazards PH QGIS Browser is on Github.
We respect the license of the original source, each data source and data files have a corresponding license file. License varies from different agencies, in most cases government data are public domain.
Philippine government data policy changes from the tenure of an administration to another, we want to ensure that what was public will remain public even if projects ran out of funds or there is a change in access policy.
Yes! Please open a ticket on the open-hazards-ph repo and let’s discuss.
This work and its contents by Ben Hur S. Pintor is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Other works (software, source code, etc.) referenced in this website are under their own respective licenses.