This is a Python script you can run in QGIS that loads the data from provided by Johns Hopkins University CSSE. It currently loads point vectors of Confirmed Cases and Deaths. Requires the requests library.
Github repo can be found at
This script should be run from the Python Console inside QGIS (CTRL + ALT + P).
It adds COVID-19 confirmed cases and deaths data from provided by Johns Hopkins University CSSE.
Script by Ben Hur Pintor
License: GPLv3
import requests
import os
import csv
from qgis.core import QgsVectorLayer, QgsProject
# Links to CSSEGISandData
# Path where CSVs will be downloaded and saved (can be changed)
FPATH = os.getcwd()
# Get and Save most recent CSVs
cases_r = requests.get(CASES_URL)
deaths_r = requests.get(DEATHS_URL)
cases = "{}/cases.csv".format(FPATH)
deaths = "{}/deaths.csv".format(FPATH)
with open(cases, "w") as f1:
with open(deaths, "w") as f2:
# Load Confirmed Cases CSV to QGIS
cases_latest = next(csv.reader(open(cases)))[-1].replace("/","-")
cases_local = "file://{uri}?delimiter={delimiter}&crs=epsg:4326&xField={x}&yField={y}".format(uri=cases, delimiter=",", x="Long", y="Lat")
cases_layer = QgsVectorLayer(cases_local, "covid19-cases-as-of-{latest}".format(latest=cases_latest), "delimitedtext")
#Load Deaths CSV to QGIS
deaths_latest = next(csv.reader(open(deaths)))[-1].replace("/","-")
deaths_local = "file://{uri}?delimiter={delimiter}&crs=epsg:4326&xField={x}&yField={y}".format(uri=deaths, delimiter=",", x="Long", y="Lat")
deaths_layer = QgsVectorLayer(deaths_local, "covid19-deaths-as-of-{latest}".format(latest=deaths_latest), "delimitedtext")
This work and its contents by Ben Hur S. Pintor is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Other works (software, source code, etc.) referenced in this website are under their own respective licenses.